Monday, April 11, 2011

Showers of Blessing

Yesterday I hosted a Wedding Shower for my son's fiancee' Jenna. It was a special time for friends and family to gather to show their love and support for this young couple. John and Jenna have committed themselves to God first and foremost. They committed themselves to purity. And to each other for a lifetime.
They received many useful and wonderful gifts. Thank you for your genuine caring!
What they continue to need are your support and prayer.
May 21, 2011 is less than six weeks away. Wedding on the beach. Lighthouse close by to remind us of the Light of the World.
I wasn't very encouraging when they began to plan a destination wedding... now, I couldn't be more excited! If it's perfect for them, then it's going to be a beautiful start to a new chapter of this exciting journey called life.