Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Content with the Content!

This week I was praying for a friend concerning contentment. As I prayed for them, based on Phil 4:12, I felt led to google the definition of content and was reminded that it has multiple meanings...the primary definition of the noun "content "was "something contained, as in a receptacle." (like the contents of a drawer) #2 was the chapters in a book. I particularly liked #7 "power of containing; holding capacity: The bowl's content is three quarts."

As I read all these definitions I came to see more clearly that the adjective "content" is simply a matter of acknowledging that the contents of your life are what they are. No more, no less.
(adj definition: "happy enough with what one has or is; not desiring something more or different; satisfied")

I don't think this means you must be apathetic toward your circumstances or relationships, or that you shouldn't pray and work to make better a bad situation... contentment to me means that if nothing changes you trust God, you praise God, right where you are- knowing and trusting in His great love for you. He knows the longing of your heart; He knows your needs; He hasn't left you. For His children, His purpose is to use every circumstance to mold and make us more into the image of His Son. So, keep giving God the glory, no matter what the content.

In Paul's letters, he advises us to be content in our situation, however, he also advises us to PURSUE Righteousness and Godliness. Paul challenges us to live Holy Lives that are Pleasing to God. Never be content with where you are spiritually- strive to become more Christlike, understanding and applying God's will and ways, always ready to serve Him, always examining yourself as you read His Word.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Guineas and German Shepherds

Guinea hens... funny creatures. Beautiful feathers... tiny, ugly head. We have two-Henry and Martha. They really belong to my husband, Jerry, as do all the animals. He takes care of them as though they were children. He dotes and coddles his Shepherds, feeds and cuddles the cats, cares for and loves the horses, he even likes the guineas. He brought home a half dozen of them when they were chicks-we have two left. they're not the smartest birds and ours tend to be very accident prone! Henry only has two toes. Tangled up in fishing line, one was so damaged it finally fell off! I have my doubts about how long Henry and Martha will be around... especially after the drama this past Wednesday!
As usual, I got ready for work before taking Pudgy and Ella (our house dogs) out for their walk. Hearing a ruckus from the German shepherds, I turned to look and saw Martha in a shepherd's mouth! I dropped Ella's leash, rushed to the lot, opened the gate and started yelling at Onyx to "drop the bird!" She complied, and then picked her right back up again, looking confused as to why I was interrupting her game of catch. I was horribly inadequate at keeping the dogs from the guinea and the guinea-even when free from Onyx's deathgrip- seemed too wounded to escape the lot. I yelled loudly for Jerry who was sleeping soundly, too soundly to hear me or come to my aid. Finally cornering Onyx and Bella (shepherds) on one side of the lot and hooking Onyx's collar onto the fence, I opened the gate on the other side of the lot and chased the confused guinea, who had taken refuge behind the doghouse, to her freedom.
I was a mess.
I released the confused shepherd (who was simply following her instincts), retrieved my confused shih tzu, Ella, and went about cleaning the mud off my shoes... heading for work as normal. Later as I reflected on the drama of the morning, I recalled that every night the guinea hens roost. 
They roost on the fence.
The fence of the German shepherd's lot. 
We have found feathers in the dog lot before. No guinea left-just feathers. They still roost on the fence. 
She probably fell so deeply asleep she fell on the wrong side the fence. Or maybe she got into the lot to steal some dog food. However it happened she found herself in the grip of danger unable to escape on her own. 
It reminded me of how we taunt temptations. How often have I sat on the fence too close to people, things or activities that were dangerous? How often have I ignored the evidence of the casualties of the fallen? 
The guineas are roosting on the dog lot again tonight.  Are you?

"Why are you sleeping?" (Jesus) asked them. "Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation." Luke 22:46

Thank you Jesus for rescuing me!

Just Getting Started

I've always wanted to write a book. I'm not much of a scholar, but most of the time, I like the way my brain works. Rather analytical, free-spritited, spiritual, a bit melancholy. I have a lot of ideas and a lot of stories. I simply would hate for them to go to waste. So, I figure I'll jot down a few words and see where it takes me. You are welcome to come along. I consider this an adventure. I've never blogged before. Most of my facebook entries consist of other's writings that inspire me. I don't want to presume that I have anything of great inspiration to say-nor do I expect to change the world. This is mostly for me... and maybe my children... just in case someday in the future they miss my ramblings, like I miss those of my mom and dad.
Be warned-I am a fullblown Jesus freak! Repentant. Forgiven. Washed. Filled. It is certain that this fact will have the greatest influence on my thoughts and He never leaves my mind, as it is His as I am His.