Friday, February 10, 2012


There has been much attention focused on legalized abortion this month. Susan B Kohmen defunded Planned Parenthood, who cried "Foul!" and funding was resumed. For a brief 48 hours pro-lifers celebrated and marked the decision of SBK as a victory. When the decision was reversed, we cried "Foul!" and determined to continue efforts that save babies, and save women from this awful medical abuse. 

Somewhere in the middle of facebooking and blogging I realized that I am personally offended by the concept at which our society has arrived. "Choose Life." "Pro Choice." "Pro Life." "A woman's right to choose." These all imply that it a woman's responsibility to decide whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term.  I don't believe that is a decision that belongs to any human being.  I believe that pregnancy should be embraced as a reality of humanity.  I believe that within this reality is the awareness that three lives are directly effected- a mother, a father, a child. 

I hope in my conversation and communication to make it clear that although abortion is legal, it doesn't give anyone the right to impose upon a woman the need to choose. I choose not to choose. 

Life from the moment of conception is a scientific reality. It should be acknowledged, respected and honored. 

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